it’s christmas already


A quick glance at my calendar tells me it’s still October. True, we’re only a few days before the end, but it’s definitely still the tenth month.

So, why is it that Christmas has already started?

My son, who’s only 3, has already started telling my in a very serious voice the “Santa comes to good boys”. Strangely, he’s not so interested in what happens to good girls.

At work, the big boss has a fairly pathetic, fake christmas tree parked outside his office, perhaps in an attempt to seem ahead of the pack for once.

Then again, we’re a little confused at work. We still have a whole selection of blue, white, red and black balloons up in the kitchen, suggesting the footy season is still to reach its exciting climax. Then in the lift lobby there are ads for various people’s Cup sweeps.

I feel like saying “just pick a bloody season and stick with it”.

And if it’s okay – pleased don’t make it Christmas. Can’t we skip straight to Australia Day?

A run around the tan this lunch-time. Ho hum.

phew, that’s over


Christmas, I mean. Now I need a holiday.

The whole thing went smoothly enough, although I still can’t figure out how I managed to go to 3 family dinners – one on the 23rd, one on Christmas Eve and one on the day itself.

Still, the kids had fun. Our baby, as expected, wasn’t really fussed by the whole thing, but our two year-old boy has fast discovered the joy of opening presents, not necessarily his own, getting full to the brim with sugar and running around in a circle for three quarters of an hour. He now owns about three times his own weight in Bob the Builder and Fireman Sam DVDs and a toy electric guitar that plays hot licks from what sounds like mid 80’s ZZ top non-stop. That one’s not getting old.

No, not at all. I must see if it has an off switch.

There were threats of two more barbecues yesterday, but I put my foot down. There’s only so much overcooked meat and forced conversations with acquaintances a man can take.

Instead I went to the local shopping centre (Eastland) to see the sales. Stupid statement coming up: there seemed to be a lot of people there. But really, there were A LOT OF PEOPLE. All of them seemed to be gorging themselves on cheap plasma screens and anything else not nailed down.

I resisted temptation, admirably, at least until I passed a shoe shop, at which point I surrendered to the siren song of a pair of Brooks Adrenalines at $60 off.

I’m only human.

Venus Bay
We’re all heading down to Venus Bay this morning for a week’s rest, relaxation and other things beginning with R. So, no blogging from me at least for a while.

11km yesterday morning. A run due this weekend, and a couple of shorter things during the coming week. I might have a longer one next weekend.

christmas comes early


Well, it did for me. One branch of my hydra-headed family decided to steal a march on the rest of the world and have the big christmas lunch yesterday – on the 24th.

An odd decision, I thought, but, as ever, I wasn’t consulted.

Still, it was fun. The kids ran around like crazy. Lots of toys, lots of sugar but relatively few tantrums, even as the red cordial wore off.

I’m not drinking at the moment, so that was a bit of downer.

I must say, I’m dreading tonight and tomorrow. Too much food, too much bloating.

I managed 11km last night. ‘Twas supposed to be easy, and it was. 11km in 48 minutes exactly.

oh s**t it’s christmas


Damn it. I just realised it’s Christmas in about a week from now. No: less! I suppose that means I have to buy heaps of presents.



Not looking forward to that.

26km in just under 2 hours today. It went fine; easy, steady pace and finished with plenty of energy.

I did have a bit of a nap in the early afternoon, but that was more due chasing a 2 year old around all morning.



Oooooh baby, was that a grumpy post or what? It’s amazing what a boring day at work, the flu and 4 days off running will do to a person.

Thankfully, as I pen this humble missive, the grumpiness, like Christmas itself – there’s a strange coincidence – is more or less over.

We contrived, somehow, to spend most of the day lolling about in the sunshine; self toying with the barbecue and assorted family members gambolling around with their new toys.

The little one is too small to understand the alleged joys of Christmas: he’s entirely indifferent to presents and thinks Santa is scary. He and I are of one mind on that score. But he does like toy trucks, books, sausages and the new sand-pit – all at once if possible. So all was good.

But reader, and here comes the real secret, I managed a morning run! Joy of joys! The lord omnipotent reigneth!!! or something along those lines.

Now, I’m not claiming this morning’s run as a particularly good session. It was a fairly pedestrian 14k, taking in the Dorset Golf course and surrounds. But it was pleasant, and the various dog-walkers and joggers all seemed in particularly gregarious moods.

Clouds on the horizon
The problem is actually that there aren’t any (clouds on the horizon, that is). It’s going to be 38 effin‘ degrees next Monday, and 37 the following day. Woe is me.

Ah well, not much I can do about that I suppose. I’m off now to watch the Panel. I know I’m not going to like it, but somehow I don’t feel able to stop myself.



Dear reader, my supplies of the Christmas spirit, already at historically low levels, are officially at a low ebb.

Think of it as something like the water shortages. Back when you and I were kids it used to rain more or less constantly from May to October, Lake Eildon was a lake and if you planted some vegies in your backyard, you had a reasonable chance of them growing.

No longer. 10 years of below average rainfall have put paid to that. They graze cows where Lake Eildon used to be. Cows!

They might as well graze cows in the bits where my Christmas spirit used to be, cause there’s nothing there now, let me tell you.

It doesn’t help that I’m right at the peak of a case of the flu, that I’m stuck here at work and that I haven’t run for four days. Four days without running is enough to give me the major grumps at the best of times.

Saturday’s trip to Eastland was probably ill-advised too. If you’ve ever tried to feed baby-chino to a screaming 17 month-old in a cafe outside “Hairhouse warehouse” you’ll know what I’m talking about.

There’s nothing for it but to grit my teeth and bear it. In a couple of days the phlegm will recede, taking with it the tinsel, holly and mince pies and then life will get back to normal. Touch wood.

I’m aware this post isn’t exactly brimming over with happiness and joy, but it’s the best I can do. The original draft (yes I draft these things sometimes) was littered with four-letter words of an extremely unsavoury nature.

A few hours later, and I’m not so grumpy. I’m still sick, but not in the same biting-people’s-heads-off kinda mood.

I’ve just realised I’m not there is out soon. That’s a good thing, or it would be if I ever managed to get to the movies.

On the plus side, it’s about Dylan, who’s more of an influence on me than just about anyone else on this earth, and it’s directed by Todd Haynes who made one of the most beautiful films ever released (Far from heaven). Also, it has Christian Bale, who was by far the best Batman yet.

On the down-side, it has Heath Ledger, who, along with, is a living, breathing personification of the word “wanker”. Also, Cate Blanchett who, despite being more beautiful than any human being has a right to be, manages to spoil almost everything she puts her hand on.

She does look strangely like Dylan though, don’t you think?


it’s beginning to look a bit like…

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Right now, mid December, is about the best time of the year.

I know I have some work to do before my time off, but I also know it’ll be pretty slack and it won’t go for long. I’ve been going around buying some last minute presents, which is probably better than actually getting them on the day.

The day itself seems like something to look forward to at the moment, despite the fact I know I’ll just feel bloated and vaguely irritated at all the idiotic conversation thrown around between the extended family (most of it coming out of my mouth, of course).

What was it that guy from the Simpsons said “better than the act, better than the aftermath – the moment of anticipation!”. Of course, he was talking about making love to Patti and/or Selma, which just goes to show how wrong you can be.

So what do I want for christmas? About 15 points for my beloved Charlton Athletic, who have suffered miserably in recent months. Oh, and some nice time off with the family. That’ll do.

Goofy theory no 1 for today
(I have many goofy theories)

Early morning runs hurt less.

No, really, it’s true. Also they don’t seem to tire me out quite as much. I think this is because I’m at least 56% asleep and don’t notice what’s going on.

This cuts both ways, though. The catastrophic crash and burn rate rises markedly when I get over 50% sleepiness.

Okay – so let’s revise my goofy theory. I’m nothing if not flexible.

Early morning runs hurt less hurt just as much, but not ’til later.


12k this morning around Croydon and Ringwood. Technically 53k for the week so far, but I want to claim Monday morning’s run as part of last week, which was otherwise pretty low. So I’ll claim 37k and aim to put in around 20 – 25 on Sunday morning.

ho, ho, ho


If you hadn’t guessed after yesterday’s lock myself in the stair-well story, I can be a little vague at times. When I say “a little vague” I mean “little” as in – the Pacific Ocean is a “little” wet.

If you needed further proof, how’s this – I’ve only just now realised Christmas is coming soon.


I didn’t figure this out by suddenly feeling full of warmth and seasonal cheer or something. No, it dawned on me when I saw the bloody great present my brother in the UK sent to me today. Bugger, that means I have to try to get something to him in time.

In my experience, combining Royal Mail and Australia Post creates some kind of warp in the space-time continuum which swallows up any and all correspondance from me. Still, we’ll see what we can do.

My friends and colleagues over at the Ausrun forum as always are a little ahead of me, and have already become engaged in a heated debate over which is the best christmas carol. Silly really. Everyone knows the best carol goes like this:

Jingle bells,
Batman smells
Robin ran away
Wonder woman lost her bosom
Flying TAA

TAA? Gosh now I’m showing my age…


12.5 sluggish kms this morning to bring the weekly total to 25.5. I’m a little concerned about the weather forecast for this weekend. Probably not a good idea to run for 25+km in 37 degrees. I’ll have to think about it…