britney spears, no knickers


I’m trying a little bit of an experiment, based on this article: Aussies think knickerless Britney is pretty flash .

Apparently the most searched-for topic on the Australian bit of the web was about Britney Spears sans briefs. Strange folks. Very strange. Having seen the film clip for her latest song “gimme more” in which she continually stumbles into a pole in a laughable attempt at “sexy“, I could think of nothing worse.

It worries me that all around me are people with a morbid desire to see, presumably, Britney’s hairy bits. Yuck.

Anyway: I figure if I keep mentioning Britney’s snatch I’ll boost the old traffic levels. We’ll see.

If you are one of those people in search of Britney’s lingerie, and you have the concentration span required to reach this far down the post, I apologise. This blog probably ain’t for you.

Zac Ephron
I have no idea who this is, but apparently he’s pretty popular too.

Jessica Alba and Jennifer Hawkins
That should get the male, horny demographic interested. Sadly, I have no proof these two have even been in the same state at the same time.

I went out for a 17k run last night, after the thunderstorm and accompanying flash-floods. I inexplicably failed to meet Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Rihanna, but that’s probably to be expected seeing as they don’t spend much time in Ringwood

I can’t imagine why. Ringwood’s ace.



Yesterday’s posting on the topic of Buffy Saint-Marie failed to produce the deluge of correspondence I was expecting.

Young people today – they just have no taste in music: no taste full-stop. I put it down to a diet of Britney Spears, Big Brother and Botox rotting our brains. The three Bs.

FraggleWhile I’m talkin’ trash – according to the age, there is now a “backlash” after ms Paris Hilton was released early from prison. Why? Who cares? What possible difference can it make to anyone what happens to her?

Paris HiltonIt makes me shake my head in bewilderement. There is so much wonderful, fascinating stuff going on in the world, and not just Buffy Saint-Marie, and we waste our collective energy on pampered, brainless Fraggles.

Also from the Age (and file this one under the heading of “stating the bleedin’ obvious”) Bindi Irwin’s new TV show, replete with multiple appearances from her dead father, has been reviewed as being “creepy“.

Well der….

I find Bindi creepy pretty much all the time. There’s something about her that reminds me of the energiser bunny. Too much energy, and something vaguely inhuman. Actually there’s even something vaguely Fraggline about her too. (There: I’ve invented a word!)

where’s my course map?

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Anxiety levels are somewhat lower today, for some reason. Though, god knows, there’s enough to be anxious about.

  1. I have to run a marathon in 2 and a bit weeks
  2. They haven’t even posted the course online
  3. I haven’t received my race pack
  4. Paris Hilton might not go to jail.

I suppose it doesn’t really matter – the marathon will be an effing long distance, mostly in Williamstown and surround areas and won’t involve Paris Hilton, or any other kind of Hilton for that matter.

So all is okay.

12k tonight, including 2 lots of tempo. Should be fun.

celebrity jailbirds


An odd moment on the Age website this afternoon – the front page completely dominated by celebrity jailbirds.

On the left, Melbourne’s own babyfaced-assassin, Carl Williams, and on the right, Paris Hilton complaining about her judge being “both cruel and unwarranted”.

It’s much easier to laugh about ms Hilton, as she’s marginally less likely to take a contract out on my *rse.

On those grounds, I would like to congratulate her on the use of the word “unwarranted” which has, count them, one – two – three -FOUR syllables. Incredible.

It’s not often you’ll hear me saying this, but I feel a bit sorry for Paris Hilton right now. I mean, look at it from her perspective, if you dare, her getting sent to prison doesn’t make any sense. For her entire life, the worse she’s acted, the more rich and famous she’s become.

Now she’s spending 45 days, or thereabouts, in jail, where it’s unlikely she’ll be able to screw billionaire Greek shipping heirs and the shopping will probably be fairly limited.

In the same vein, I’m not at all surprised Master Williams feels a bit aggrieved at the moment (reported comments: “Ah, get f***ed”).

In a way, he’s very much like Paris Hilton – bleach-blonde, gormless, completely lacking in intelligence, grace and savoirfaire, very unpleasant to be around. I don’t know if he’s ever been in a porn video on the Internet, but my hunch is, he wouldn’t mind.

Sure he killed a few people, but in terms of the total suffering perpetrated on global humanity, can that really compare with “Stars are blind”?

It’s an injustice I tells ya.

more sydney


I’m still in Sydney, or as it apparently likes to be called – “The Emerald City”. Well, la-de-dah… I’m beginning to lose count of the times I’ve been told the Harbour Bridge is “affectionately known as ‘the coathanger'”. Whatever….

Apologies if that sounded a little Valley-girl/Paris Hilton.

In my defence, Ms Hilton herself is in town at the mo, which is causing no end of excitement. Well, the various gossip columnists seem excited and the “serious” commentators have been falling over themselves to write articles saying how silly it is that everyone’s writing articles about her.

Today, the town is in New Year’s Eve mode and the streets around where I’m staying are choked with would-be revellers, some of whom have been lining up sinced 8am. I kid you not. I personally couldn’t think of anything worse than being jammed in with a million other dickheads, “partying” at Circular Quay, fireworks or no fireworks.


The main gripe I have with the whole NYE shebang is the difficulty I’m going to have getting a ride to Hornsby tomorrow morning to do the Black Stump run. In fact, it’s pretty much impossible, and I may as well use this opportunity to officially scratch myself.

Ahh, that feels better….

I’ve run a bit over the last couple of days – yesterday around the Cremorne Point area, which is where I’m staying, and this morning a nice trip from Cremorne, over the coathanger, no I can’t bring myself to write that – the Bridge.

Nice. Although it would be appreciated if the good people of Sydney could lay on some flattish bits to run on. Perhaps if they have time they could bulldoze Kirribili, which seems to be between where I am and the bridge. If they could level Johnny Howard’s place, so much the better.