Last night was a rare and precious thing. To be precise, it was the run I did last night was the beautiful thing: it started strong and finished stronger.

I should have guessed I was in for a pearler when my MP3 player, set to shuffle, kicked off the proceedings with “Fire in the head” by the Tea Party. A fairly wonderful guitar sound that, if nothing else. R – A -W – K and roll.

The set finished with Stone Free by Jimi Hendrix, which has one of my favourite guitar solos of all time. All up, a bunch of good, fist-pumping, heart-thumpingly inspiring stuff.

In between, there was 14 to 15km of stuff, including 6 hill reps up a street near my place. The first was a bit of a stretch, the third felt better, I felt like I was flying on the fifth and breezed up the sixth time.

Good stuff.