Yes, I freely admit, the idea for this post comes from Andrew’s blog. He wrote today about how much better it is to listen to music in the car alone than with other people.

You can turn it up way loud, sing to your heart’s content, sing a long to the GUITAR SOLO if you want, and no-one’s the wiser. In short, you can be completely embarassing.

I’ve been doing a bit of that lately, myself. If you had have been driving down Bayswater road in Knox on a Monday night a couple of weeks ago, you may have seen a devastatingly handsome young man in a BMW. I was right behind him in my Mitsubishi, singing along embarassingly to Bob Dylan’s Highway 61 revisited.

It’s odd, I can barely remember what I had for dinner last night but I know every lyric from an album I mostly listened to when I was 15. Ah well. Still, it’s a good album.

Now the fifth daughter on the twelfth night
told the first father than things weren’t right
My complexion, she said, is much too white
He said “come here and step into the light”
he says “Mmm you’re right, let me tell the second mother this has been done”
But the second mother was with the seventh son
and they were both out on Highway 61.

Now the rovin’ gambler he was very bored
trying to create the next world war
he found a promoter who nearly fell off the floor
he said “I’ve never engaged in this kind of thing before”
But yes I think it can be very easily done
Just put some bleachers out in the sun
and head out down Highway 61.

Trust me – it’s a good song.

It’s been a pretty relaxed weekend so far. I ran 25km yesterday. I forgot to note the time I started and didn’t bother looking at the clock when I was finished, so I have no idea how fast it was. It felt pretty good.

Tomorrow there’s a Sri Chinmoy race at Burnley. I might have a go at that.

I say “might” as, in the last few days, I’ve eaten my body weight in hot cross buns, despite the fact they don’t seem to be as good as I remember them. Also, I baked a batch of peanut and dark chocolate biscuits yesterday afternoon which I’m trying not to eat. AND…. I made a big dish of lasagne last night.

So, if I do show up, it may be with an extra bum cheek and/or a spare tyre around the waist.