I have a bizarre, some would say unreasonable, aversion to losing more than 7 percent of my bodyweight in sweat at any one time. Call me crazy.

On weeks like this one here in Melbourne, this tends to limit the amount of running I can do. The long-range weather forecast reads like an infernal tale of doom.

Thursday: 36 (Boom)
Friday: 37 (Boom)
Saturday: 30 (Boom)
Sunday: 35 (Boom)
Monday: 35 (Boom)
Tuesday: 33 (Boom, boom, boom)

What a god-awful mess. I really don’t see how I’m going to get any running done at all!

Actually, I do. I have a plan involving my house, my work, about 27km of road in between the two, and some running gear. I intend to put this plan into action tomorrow morning.

A nice easy 9.6km this lunchtime, just to get out of the office.

Leonard Cohen
Congratulations to the old man who was today inducted into the Rock ‘n roll hall of fame. Apparently he recited the lyrics to “Tower of Song” as part of his acceptance speech. I doubt it went down well, given most of the audience were there to see Madonna, god help them.
Leonard Cohen - looking a lot like a svelte Jack Nicholson